Bus from Puerto Maldonado to Cusco
There are several ways to get from Cusco to Tambopata by bus, in this article we will address the bus route, which is one of the most popular due to the low economic costs involved in relation to its air counterpart, this journey takes approximately 10 hours by land and is at a distance of 465 km.
The most popular transportation company covering this route is Tepsa.
You can find bus tickets from S./40 soles to S./120 nuevos soles, according to the schedules of the company the buses leave at 6:00 p.m.
Based on your budget you can find buses of different characteristics in the service, keep in mind that the higher your investment, the more reliable, punctual and comfortable the buses you will hire during your trip.
Some of the main bus operators between this route are:
- Cruz del Sur
- Maldonado tours
- Excluciva
- Movil Tours
- Tepsa
- Transzela
- Wari
- Palomino
Some travelers who want to save some of their budget prefer to travel to the jungle city of Puerto Maldonado from Cuzco by bus, this measure is very economical and also the trip is completely pleasant, you will cross beautiful landscapes and you can learn a little more about this side of Peru and its regions: Andean Altiplano, cloud forests and tropical jungles.
The cost of the buses is around 20 dollars each way.
The bus station in Puerto Maldonado is about 10 minutes from the Plaza de Armas to the center of the city, you can move through this city in motorcycle cabs.
The road is in good condition and this trip is much faster and more comfortable than a few years ago, so it is a very good alternative to expensive air travel.
Most companies offer night buses between the two cities, including Civa, Cruz del Sur and Tepsa, so you won’t waste valuable daytime travel time, you can head to Puerto Maldonado while you sleep in a comfortable bus intended for night travelers.
The city of Puerto Maldonado is connected through the Interoceanic Highway with the main cities of southern Peru, such as Cusco, Puno and Arequipa, from where it connects with the Panamerican Highway. Through this same highway to the north it also connects with the border point of Iñapari with Brazil and continues to Rio Branco in the neighboring country of Brazil.

Distances to some cities from Puerto Maldonado a:
- Cuzco (533 Km.) By the Interoceanic highway
- Iñapari (244 Km.) By the Interoceanic highway – border with Brazil and connection with Rio Branco
- Lima (1621 Km.) Route Lima / Nazca / Abancay / Cuzco / Puerto Maldonado
The road to Puerto Maldonado from Cuzco is better, as it is part of the Interoceanic Highway, and currently the bus ride is 10 hours, so most opt for the fastest and most comfortable 30 minute flight if you have the budget to afford the trip. The price of the bus from Cusco to Puerto Maldonado, is from 50 to 80 Soles, these prices are the most recommended in terms of the quality of the bus, there are cheaper but it is not recommended for the service and safety they provide.
Sports enthusiasts may be interested in doing a cycling tour from Cuzco. This journey is intended only for the intrepid who wish to travel by bicycle from Cuzco, it may take three or more days to reach Puerto Maldonado.
The tours include Andean mountain scenery, picturesque villages, cloud forests and finally the rainforest, a very pleasant but also strenuous experience.
You need to be in good shape and accustomed to altitudes of up to 5,000 m before starting.
This route is for serious and experienced cyclists only, as it is quite a challenge. Due to the improved conditions of the current Inter-Oceanic Highway, the travel time by bus has been reduced by half.
Today the jungle of Puerto Maldonado is more accessible than ever, allowing more and more tourists to travel to the city.
Puerto Maldonado still retains some of its former wild frontier feel, but now that it is easier to get to, and quickly becoming a much more common stop on an increasing number of Peru tours, this is the quintessential gateway to the Peruvian Amazon jungle.